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Instagram Ads

Advertising via Instagram, a social media platform that does not focus on textual content. but creating content through images is a challenging channel to create. and able to attract audiences naturally I don't feel that it's too much advertising.

Branded Content Ads

Instagram Video Ads

It is a form that we can easily make our brand or product known. within a single image As we all know, the Instagram platform is dedicated to showing photos. Everyone is trying their best to make their images look good. If we were to advertise with ordinary images that were not good in quality, we would not be able to compete with hundreds of images in the feed.

Therefore, the only thing we have to do is Create great product advertisements Only one image that is immediately posted, is eye-catching, which if our images can attract viewers will increase the chances of clicking to see more information even more.

Advertising in animated format That can be up to 60 seconds long and can be posted in both Square and Landscape format is a recommended way to promote. To promote new products subscription deals or include highlighted products, etc.

Choosing a motion video format will be able to attract more eyes than normal still images That can be scrolled through within 2-3 seconds if it has to be advertised through Instagram and its video format is another option that should not be missed.

Branded Content Ads

It is a form that we can easily make our brand or product known. within a single image As we all know, the Instagram platform is dedicated to showing photos. Everyone is trying their best to make their images look good. If we were to advertise with ordinary images that were not good in quality, we would not be able to compete with hundreds of images in the feed.

Therefore, the only thing we have to do is Create great product advertisements Only one image that is immediately posted, is eye-catching, which if our images can attract viewers will increase the chances of clicking to see more information even more.

Instagram Video Ads

Advertising in animated format That can be up to 60 seconds long and can be posted in both Square and Landscape format is a recommended way to promote. To promote new products subscription deals or include highlighted products, etc.

Choosing a motion video format will be able to attract more eyes than normal still images That can be scrolled through within 2-3 seconds if it has to be advertised through Instagram and its video format is another option that should not be missed.

Instagram Story Ads

Stories itself is a function that allows users to engage with their followers in a friendly and natural way. With the eye-catching location of new Stories, many Instagram users can't help but click on them. Stories ads will be inserted between other users' stories. And for the reason that more than 500 million Instagram users per day view Instagram Stories, our ads have a very high chance of getting attention.

To create advertising media through stories, whether images or videos, we can choose how much of our ads are seen per day. Will do it in a serious, outstanding, eye-catching way, or will do it in a simple way that looks like the stories of general users? to create a friendly in conjunction with the use of Instagram's decorative features to increase interaction with the target audience

Instagram Carousel Ads

Instagram Collection Ads

One of the factors that make Instagram the most popular photo platform. It is because of the UI style that is suitable for viewing photos. which users can use easily with just one finger whether to scroll the feed move image sideways or even like with just a double tap on the screen Immediately expressed his liking.

with a variety of image viewing functions making a slideshow So it became one of the forms of advertising through Instagram without a doubt In which we can put up to 10 images/videos, which our target audience can choose to view by just swiping. in choosing to use this format We can create an advertising campaign to promote a specific type of product. that we want to highlight for people to see as a set

style of this collection We will be able to combine videos, images, and product catalogs on one page. It can be said that it is a feature that is made to support real E-Commerce sales.

in collection advertising It will allow users to find products from multiple brands through Instagram without having to leave Instagram, including images and videos used by advertisers. will be able to link to the website to continue trading and with this form of promotion It was found to increase the likelihood of conversions by 6.3% while reducing conversion costs by up to 43%.

Instagram Carousel Ads

One of the factors that make Instagram the most popular photo platform. It is because of the UI style that is suitable for viewing photos. which users can use easily with just one finger whether to scroll the feed move image sideways or even like with just a double tap on the screen Immediately expressed his liking.

with a variety of image viewing functions making a slideshow So it became one of the forms of advertising through Instagram without a doubt In which we can put up to 10 images/videos, which our target audience can choose to view by just swiping. in choosing to use this format We can create an advertising campaign to promote a specific type of product. that we want to highlight for people to see as a set

Instagram Collection Ads

style of this collection We will be able to combine videos, images, and product catalogs on one page. It can be said that it is a feature that is made to support real E-Commerce sales.

in collection advertising It will allow users to find products from multiple brands through Instagram without having to leave Instagram, including images and videos used by advertisers. will be able to link to the website to continue trading and with this form of promotion It was found to increase the likelihood of conversions by 6.3% while reducing conversion costs by up to 43%.